Jewish education out of the box and off the wall!

At Ithaca Beit Midrash, our mission is to form meaningful connections to Judaism and each other while having fun engaging in personalized learning experiences for children, teens, families, and adults of all ages and backgrounds.

Don’t live in Ithaca? Join a Zoom class or bring Rabbi Brody out to your community!

Local (or local-ish) to Ithaca? Join us for in-person experiences

Lots of prior experience with Talmud and other texts? Great! We’ll embrace your wisdom and challenge you further

You can take as many or as few classes as you want!

No prior experience or knowledge? No Problem! There are classes for you!

Special pricing available to communities who want to enroll multiple learners!

Rabbi Brody

Rabbi Suzanne Brody is a graduate of Wellesley College, has a PhD in neuroscience, and received rabbinic ordination from the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, CA in 2012.

Rabbi Brody’s passion for innovating new ways to share a love of learning about and doing Judaism has found outlets in creating dynamic programming for Jews of all ages. She has worked in both formal and informal educational settings and has designed and taught numerous courses.

In addition to her more scholarly work and her participation in the Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Laws and Standards, and as a JEA Board Member, Suzanne is the author of five books of poetry and one novella: Dancing in the White Spaces, Etz Chayim She: Modern Poems Grown from Ancient Texts, Mermaid Tears, Lunch with Rav Dimi, Unearthed, and Serah’s Secrets.